Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Getting things started

Just trying to figure all this blogging out. I do love to read everyones blogs about their favorite things to do and collect. I have a Country/Primitive gift shop.I have been blessed to have had the chance to do this now for about 15 years.It is alot of hard work.My husband and I make some of the things that go in the shop and I order the other amount that goes in. But that is getting harder and harder to do with the economy. Finding things that are not made over seas is just about not gonna happen. I would like some input on this and what other primitive/country people out there think. Here is one of the dolls that I make,it's not as prim as some of my other things,but I thought she was a cutie


  1. I agree she is very cute. I started out with more country crafts years ago. and evolved into more prim things. I'd love to own a shop someday. I'm hoping to sell off of my blog and/or find people who want to buy from me at closer to a wholesale cost (but not quite as cheap as catalogue prices). I can't do it full time right now and I have been out of it for 12 years or so now. I have a few shops close to me who are willing to look at my things because they don't want to do overseas anymore either. Now I need to find the time to get some done. I'm working on some stitcheries and some small dolls right now.
